Character Co-occurrences in Game of Thrones Fan Fiction
A chord diagram depicting how often characters from Game of Thrones appear in fan fiction stories together. The 13 most common connections between any characters from the book or tv series are shown. The characters are grouped by family, and the dark red coloring indicates what percentage of the stories were rated mature. The arcs and chords can be moused-over to highlight chords and view additional statistics.
Notable Findings
The stories most commonly rated mature are those featuring parings of Jon, Robb, or an original character. Original Characters are those not from the GOT/ASoFaI universe, and are often the author of the story.
Stories featuring Jaime and his sister Cersei are rated mature more often than those featuring Jaime and Brienne.
Unlike the other Starks, the most frequent connection for Arya and Sansa is outside of their family, and they have stronger links to non-Stark characters than Starks. /
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Chord diagram visualization based on work by Mike Bobstock.